Mockup of account page

Gaming Central

Gaming Central presented a new challenge, being my first attempt at a responsive website.


My Rodriguez - Lead UI designer and Lead UX researcher

Project Duration
April 2023 - May 2023


Gaming Central poses as the website for a gaming convention that travels the united states. It’s website also includes a voting interface for its in-house award ceremony.

Product Goal

The goal of this product is to give convention goers a way to vote for the awards ceremony digitally, on the go, or without attending the convention.


User Research

  • For the research on this project, I interviewed a few users to see if the UI was legible, friendly to accessibility standards, and had a natural user flow to it.

  • Moderated, a casual user study with four users.

  • Users felt that the user flow was natural and easy to understand, but also saw most of the UI as too large or very similar to a mobile design. This feedback was implemented in the final mock-ups and further iterated in a second pass as the design.


I tried to make sure all of the text was accessibility friendly while still being a reasonable size for a webpage.

Project Takeaways

This project taught me a lot of about my limits a designer, in fact, I reiterated most of the designs after realizing I wasn’t happy with how they came out, you can look at the comparison below. The key takeaways from this project were that design and improvement never stop. Feedback is always relevant, and my own feedback ended up making this a project I was far happier with.